About Me

Do you have one of those days when you need something, that is completely out of the ordinary, I do. I love to read and I have a time of my life. Reading takes me into a whole new world and you become the heroine of the story. I see myself as her all the time or I try to be in her shoes, wishing for that gorgeous man to love and take you away from all of your problems. Whether it is a mystery, thriller, comedy, whatever, you somehow, find yourself as part of that story.

I read when I had a long day at work to relax and not think about the problems that are current in the world. The romance and the love of two people, brings peace to you in a way. So I hope you come on by and take this journey with me as I read the many books out there and discover new authors.

I am an avid reader and grew up reading books a majority of my life. I was born and raised in Lethbridge, Alberta and moved out to Toronto, Ontario when I was 18. Looking for a better life you might say. I always knew that I was going to be a writer but ended up doing other things besides writing. If I had started writing earlier in my life, I wouldn’t be struggling to make ends meet. It happened and there wasn’t much I could have done. You just need to do what seemed right at the time. Looking back, I wished I had started writing but it is what it is. Live life to the fullest. Maybe it was time for me to make a change as I realized, that I can make it as a writer if I took it seriously. I do now and I cannot wait for my first novel to take shape and a life of its own. I currently have ideas and titles for my next two books and I hope that I will get a good vibe about my upcoming novel. Maybe it is just the kick I need to get it done. Take care everyone and God bless you all for reading.

After all, readers are an author’s best friend. If you don’t have them, who do you have to encourage and inspire you to continue on the path you have created for yourself. Looking forward to writing more and generate books that you can all enjoy.

I hope you enjoy my site and check out what is new here as I continue to improve it each and every day.


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